The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
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2024-07-11 The Three Characteristics of Existence 56:17
Eve Decker
The Three Characteristics of Existence
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-06-27 Fierce Self-Compassion - Caring for Ourselves, Caring for the World 57:04
Jean Leonard
A bit about Jean: Jean Leonard, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and dharma teacher in private practice in Louisville, Colorado, USA. She has practiced vipassana meditation since 2003 and teaches mindfulness classes and mentors mindfulness teachers in training through Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program. She has been mentored to teach in the Insight tradition by James Baraz, and her teaching style is influenced by James, Jack and Tara, Gil Fronsdal, and Thanissara & Kittisaro. She is trained as a Buddhist Eco-Chaplain and a board member of the Rocky Mountain EcoDharma Retreat Center and has a particular interest in offering emotional and spiritual support to individuals and communities impacted by the environmental and ecological crises of our times, and practice related to aging, illness and dying.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-06-20 Exploring Lovingkindness & Equanimity from the Perspective of the Ten Paramis 58:40
Ramona Lisa Ortiz-Smith
Ramona will be speaking on "Lovingkindness and Equanimity." These two wholesome states are usually taught as being two of the Four Brahmavihara, Divine Abodes or qualities of the heart. This week Ramona will explore loving-kindness and equanimity from the perspective of the Paramis or Ten Perfections,
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-06-13 Inspiring Motivation for Practice: The Four Mind Changers 55:26
James Baraz
I look forward to being with our community and exploring the teaching on the "Four Mind Changing Reflections." These four reflections become a great motivation reminding us to use our time wisely to deepen our practice. I hope it gives a boost to your own practice.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-06-06 Motivating Yourself with Compassion Rather Than Criticism 54:00
Eve Decker
Many of us have learned to motivate ourselves with self-criticism. At what price? Negative criticism is a form of aversion - one of the three "poisons" to well-being taught by the Buddha. We can practice and get better at motivating ourselves with self-compassion instead. Join me for an evening of exploration and practice with self-compassionate motivation.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-05-30 Knowing and Meeting Your Own Needs As an Act of Compassion 49:07
Eve Decker
Many of us learned, for multiple reasons, to ignore our own needs. While this may support being of service to others in the short term, in the long term we can burn out and become resentful if we don't know what our authentic needs are and endeavor to meet them. We are each our own primary caregiver, and how we meet and respond to our own version of Universal Human Needs makes a big difference in how consistently available we can be to others. Using the skills of mindfulness, interconnection, compassion, and more, we can bring awareness and warmth into how we take care of our own needs. Hope to see you! Warmly, Eve
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-05-23 Thursday is Wesak! Thursday is Wesak! Honoring the Life and Teaching of the Buddha 49:51
James Baraz
This Thursday, May 23rd is Wesak, the most special day in Theravada Buddhist countries (Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka). The full moon in May is said to be the day that the Buddha was born, became enlightened at the age of 35 and died at the age of 80. The three holiest of days all rolled into one! On this Wesak, we can reflect on who this person was, what he discovered on his journey and the legacy he's left us.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-05-09 A Sword and a Lotus Discernment, Energy, and Wise Action 55:56
Eve Decker
Compassion for self, others, and the world is essential for well-being and freedom. This form of love often needs to manifest tenderly - and - just as often, needs to be fierce. Join Eve for a look at bringing together 'a sword and a lotus'.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-05-02 The Power of Collective Intelligence: The Magic in Community 48:35
James Baraz
The Buddha spoke of like-minded friendship as "the whole of the spiritual life." He encouraged us to take refuge in the Sangha. What makes community so powerful? Have you ever been part of a group that felt quite magical, where it was more than merely a collection of individual members? What are the ingredients that make a group like that come together?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-04-25 Tender and Fierce Self-Compassion: Two Essential Ways to Practice 57:28
Eve Decker
Self-Compassion requires us to cultivate capacities of presence with difficulty, kindness, and awareness of common humanity. But this doesn't mean that it always must be tender and internal. Often, our self-compassion requires us to be action-oriented and courageous. Join Eve for a look at these two forms of self-compassion and some ways to practice.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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