The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
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2023-11-09 Fnding Refuge - Skillfully holding it all 52:06
James Baraz
Refuge is a word that is often used in Buddhist teachings. We long to feel safe and protected from inner and outer harm. When everything seems out of control where can we find true refuge? How can the practice help us hold it all? This talk refers to a highly recommended conversation on the Mideast situation between two women (one Israeli, one German) who give communication trainings based on Nonviolent Communication:
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-10-19 Current Crisis in Israel and Gaza 1:33:07
Stephen Fulder, James Baraz
Israeli Dharma Teacher Stephen Fulder joins James and shares about the current crisis in Israel and Gaza
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-10-12 Self-Compassion as Skillful Response to Difficult Emotions 49:29
Eve Decker
Learning or deepening a capacity to meet our own difficult emotions with compassion rather than reactivity helps us move toward wise action or letting go, depending on what may be needed.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-10-05 The Buddha's Teaching on Not getting Caught in Negative Tendencies 50:17
James Baraz
The Sabbāsava Sutta "All the Taints" (Majjhima Nikaya #2). The Buddha teaches seven methods for restraining and abandoning the "taints", the fundamental defilements that keep us in suffering.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-09-28 Mindful Self-Compassion- Part 1 or 3 54:09
Eve Decker
Part 1 in a three part series on Mindful Self Compassion (MSC). Each session stands alone and/or you can participate in all three - each will have different, related information and practices.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-08-31 Craving the end of craving 46:13
Walt Opie
The Buddha often pointed to craving as the cause of our suffering. Walt explores how craving arises and how we might come to the end of craving. Ajahn Sucitto said, "In fact, our craving is about something we don’t have... The source is the ‘not having.’" When we start to see this with mindfulness and clear comprehension, we have more freedom to choose healthy habits over unhealthy habits, and we can begin to value the wholesome over the unwholesome. This can eventually become the condition for great happiness.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-08-24 Showing Up as a Joyful Responsibility 43:12
James Baraz
This moment in time is calling us to contribute what we can to bring more consciousness into the world. But rather than acting from anger or despair I believe the key is to come from love and even joy. One of my teachers calls this our "joyful responsibility."
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-08-10 The Relationship between Patience and Inner Peace 54:21
Eve Decker
The Buddha taught that patience is the 'supreme virtue' - why is that?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-07-20 The Five Aggregates of Clinging 50:11
Kevin Griffin
Kevin uses suttas from the Pali Canon to bring out the practical aspects of this teaching.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-07-13 Integrity: Not only for others, but for our own freedom 49:57
Eve Decker
Eve looks at the what and how of the Buddha's teachings on integrity, and their essential role in our own freedom.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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