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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2017-07-27 Equanimity 62:04
Donald Rothberg
We explore the nature of equanimity, why equanimity is important, several ways to practice equanimity, and some of the challenges of developing equanimity.
2017-08-10 "This Precious Human Life" 53:00
Kate Munding
2017-08-17 "Hatred Never Ceases by Hatred" 49:12
James Baraz
The Buddha taught: "Hatred never ceases by hatred. Hatred only ceases by love. This is an ancient and eternal law." With tragedies like Charlottesville and the reaction of the president highlighting the forces of hate in our country in these crazy times, how can we avoid giving in to the same reaction within ourselves? How can we acknowledge our repugnance and activated feelings without adding more ill will as we emerge with a wise response? Teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela and the Buddha help us hold this all with a dharmic perspective.
2017-08-31 "Sewing a Quilt of Love" 59:17
Shahara Godfrey
2017-09-07 "Peaceful Warrior in Modern Times" 52:12
James Baraz
The Buddha spoke of the power of non-harming as a support for inner peace and outward harmony. But how can we both commit to being peaceful while courageously and passionately standing up for what we feel is right and make a difference in the world? This talk includes some of the Buddha's words on peace and non-harming as well as two clips of Julia Butterfly Hill speaking about "Anger v. Love" and "Fierce Compassion".
2017-09-14 "Loving Kindness" 53:20
Kevin Griffin
An attempt to look at how this practice known as loving kindness can really apply in a broader way than just a meditation.
2017-09-21 "Forgiveness is the inner peace and the wise perspective that allows us to live in the present with love." 51:37
Jane Baraz
2017-10-05 "Knocking on Heavens Door......A Big Perspective Along With Some Levity.....Searching for Self.....And What Are We Doing Here? Enjoy the Laughs!!! 52:09
Wes Nisker
2017-10-12 "Invoking Compassion along with the Music" 52:48
Eve Decker
2017-10-26 "Five Factors of Resilience" 57:31
Linda Graham
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