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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2016-12-15 “Make Peace with Your Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Your Inner Critic.” 57:52
Mark Coleman
2016-12-22 An Evening with Betsy Rose 56:17
Betsy Rose
Betsy Rose, singer, songwriter and dharma teacher talks about her travels world wide this past year, what she learned and how to hold the current political climate.
2016-12-29 Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017: Reflecting on What We've Learned and Where We're Heading 59:14
James Baraz
As we leave 2016 and open to 2017, how can we learn and grow from what's past and set ourselves in the right direction as we face an uncertain future? This talk includes recent Spirit Rock's Statement of Values: Spiritual Sanctuary and Refuge and the teacher meeting out of which it came. James reflects on his recent Huffington Post article "Holding Hands Together: From Helplessness to Empowerment." Finally, there is a ritual for letting go of the past and creating a wise intention for the future.
2017-01-05 What Channel Are You Tuned To? 50:52
James Baraz
(Note: This talk has some occasional sound distortion but it's worth it.) As the Buddha said, "We are what we think. With our thoughts we make the world." Our minds can go to the the greatest places of fear, anxiety and ill will or understanding, compassion and peace. When we're lost in confusion we have in us the capacity to remember the goodness and wisdom that our hearts long to connect with. This talk is about remembering that possibility and cultivating access to that Buddha right inside, especially when the outside world is giving us very different messages.
2017-01-19 "Being a Sacred Warrior in These Tough Times" 49:13
James Baraz
Martin Luther King Jr. said, "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." As we enter a time of uncertainty and, many are experiencing a swirl of emotions from apprehension and fear to anger and ill. How can we use our dharma practice to acknowledge and transform our negative emotions into wise effective response coming from understanding and love?
2017-01-26 "What Are You Going To Do Now?" 48:18
James Baraz
The swirl of political events with the new US administration have contributed to a culture of apprehension and anxiety for many as they adjust to this new reality. The question many practitioners are asking is what is the place of Dharma in this unfolding of events. What is Dharma and not Dharma? What is our responsibility? How does the political environment inform our Dharma practice? How does our Dharma practice inform our engagement in the world? The talk includes Bhikkhu Bodhi's essay Let's Stand Together that appears in the journals Lion's Roar and Buddhadharma.
2017-02-02 "The Practice of Non Harming" 54:56
Kate Munding
2017-02-09 "Anger and Hate...but here comes Kwan Yin" 58:16
Kate Munding
2017-02-16 "Listening Deeply" 52:47
Kate Munding
2017-02-24 "Beloved Community, Beloved Sangha" 53:39
Kate Munding
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