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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2016-09-29 "The Four Faults of Natural Awareness" 57:04
James Baraz
James Baraz and son Adam Baraz discuss "The Four Faults of Natural Awareness", a Tibetan teaching (e.g.#1: "So close you can’t see it.") Adam presents the teaching and he and James discuss it with each other and community members.
2016-10-06 Finding Freedom Through Grief 48:53
James Baraz
How can we process deep pain and turn it into deepening compassion and understanding? Kaye Cleave shares her moving story with James and the community about losing her 18-year old daughter and finding a way to transform her grief into meaningful beneficial action. The talk begins with this video about her trip to Nepal to build a school in honor of her daughter. To view the video: Catherine's Gift, go to at:
2016-10-13 "Resting the Mind" 58:10
Kate Munding
2016-10-20 "Schadenfreude: Working with Your less than Noble Thoughts" 57:21
James Baraz
People in powerful positions can cause suffering and harm to others by spreading hate. It's natural and healthy to want to see them defeated. But what about when we actually enjoy seeing their misfortune and demise? How can we use a dharma lens to understand and hold those feelings?
2016-10-27 "How to Bring Wisdom and Compassion to our Communication" 61:56
Kate Munding
I’ll be giving a talk on wise and compassionate communication. Taking our practice into our relationships and everyday interactions is often where the “rubber meets the road”. It’s not easy to stay mindful when we interact with others. It’s even harder when we are in conflict, overcome with emotions, or trigger by circumstance. Can we stay present and committed to speech that is honest, timely, and kind? We’ll explore it all.
2016-11-03 "The Big Shift: Learning to Open to Experience" 65:49
James Baraz
Our typical response to very negative or positive experiences is to contract in relation to them--either with aversion or attachment. The practice helps us cultivate a radical and much more skillful and profound relationship to them--having the courage and compassion to meet and learn from the negative as well as the wisdom to enjoy the positive while realizing its impermanence. This talk explores different qualities of heart and mind that help us do just that.
2016-11-10 "Steadying Our Hearts and Minds: A Post Election Reflection and Healing Circle" 1:33:12
Kate Munding
With Betsy Rose...
2016-11-17 "Equanimity: Finding Balance In Difficult Times" 61:48
James Baraz
In times of uncertainty and emotionally charged situations the teachings show us the power of equanimity–a balance of mind and heart. This is very different from a resigned quietism. Equanimity involves the courage to feel all our intense emotions and act from a balanced, committed heart.
2016-12-01 "Metta, Hatred and Forgiveness" 60:12
Kate Munding
2016-12-08 "The Power of Equanimity" 56:49
James Baraz
Equanimity not only helps us stay balanced in difficult times. It is a foundation for strong, effective response, especially in response to the forces of greed, hatred and power.
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