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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2017-05-11 "Crazy Wisdom Meets Politics" 55:30
Wes Nisker
2017-05-18 "Courage: An Essential Quality of Practice" 52:25
James Baraz
The Buddha spoke of waking up as going "against the stream" in order to see things with fresh eyes. One essential ingredient of the spiritual journey is courage required to grow and be willing to step outside of our comfort zones. Being a spiritual warrior means facing our deepest fears, dealing with loss, opening to the places inside we'd rather not see and trusting that your awareness can meet any moment that arises. We explore this topic in our dharma practice as it manifests on and off the cushion.
2017-05-25 "Appreciating our Benefactors" 47:38
James Baraz
It’s important to recognize and appreciate all the support we receive in our spiritual practice as well as in our lives. If practice sometimes seems like a solitary experience we’re not realizing all the ways that life has been supporting us. This can be an on-going rich source of inspiration in our spiritual development and growth. We’ll explore various practices and reflections to make this come alive.
2017-06-01 "The Dharma of True Friendship" 47:57
Kate Munding
2017-06-03 Three Qualities of the Heart that Awaken Joy (Retreat at Spirit Rock 63:55
James Baraz
2017-06-15 Benefactors: Part 2, Helping Others Shine. 64:51
James Baraz
Description: This is a follow-up to James' "Appreciating Our Benefactors" talk (5-25-17). Besides gratitude for those who've been our benefactors, we can see ourselves as passing on the kindness and caring we've received. We can and do have a significant effect on everyone around us. We can practice seeing the beautiful qualities in others, believing in them and bringing out the best in them. By doing so we help them shine, make a meaningful contribution to the world and experience great joy. This talk also includes some words about James' local basketball team the Golden State Warriors, who just became NBA champions. The coach, Steve Kerr, tries to instill four core qualities in his players--joy, mindfulness, compassion and competition. And the players' unselfish style, subjugating individual glory for the good of the team, is the key to their success. They embody the attitude of bringing out the best and enjoying seeing each other shine.
2017-06-22 "How Liberating to See Clearly-- How Humbling to Still Get Caught." 64:00
James Baraz
In a moment our understanding of reality can change with new information or new perspective. Anger and ill will can be released and turn to compassion and forgiveness. And it's also true that old patterns can be activated once again in a surprising and humbling way. The process of waking up requires tremendous patience and a kind heart, especially towards ourselves.
2017-07-06 "Energy and How It’s Related to Our Concentration, Our Effort, and Our Resolve" 50:45
Kate Munding
It’s an important aspect of our practice to keep in balance. When we bring awareness to this sometimes hidden factor, we can more easily adjust, relax, and support our mind and heart to stay present. This should be an easeful exploration that I look forward to sharing with you.
2017-07-13 "The Earth and the Buddha" 50:18
Kate Munding
2017-07-20 "Mass Extinction Underway": The State or Process of a Species, Family, or Group, Being or Becoming Extinct. 67:27
Rev. Heng Sure
During the talk, Rev. Heng Sure shows us how the world is losing species rapidly. There is a slide show in the middle of the talk starting at 23 minutes to 36 minutes which you'll hear but not see... but can hear his comments and great music) in which he describes the many creatures that he lives with in Australia. Towards the end of the talk, it's about humans causing the greatest mass extinction of our species in 65 million years. See:
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