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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2014-11-13 Introducing Jason Siff (for the talk Thoughts are Not the Enemy) 5:53
Jason Siff
INTRODUCTION >> Jason Siff preceding his talk: "Thoughts are not the enemy"
2014-11-20 "Grace Disguised as Obstacle" 50:46
James Baraz
It's one thing to remember and cultivate gratitude for the blessings in our life. But it's even more profound to experience the possibility of a grateful heart even in the midst of difficulties.
2014-12-11 Wise (or Right) Speech 63:45
Kate Munding
2014-12-18 Change Is Possible 53:22
James Baraz
A talk focusing on the possibility of changing the direction of our lives and the importance of giving people an opportunity to thrive. This talk includes excerpts from Sean Kyler, one of the graduates give his moving valedictorian speech through a program that supports prison inmates getting their college degree.
2015-01-01 Opening Towards Our Heart's Deepest Intentions 50:19
Kate Munding
2015-01-08 Impermanence with Compassion and Gratitude 51:39
Eve Decker
2015-01-15 Anything Can Happen At Any Time 52:53
James Baraz
The one thing that is certain in life is its unpredictability. Having an awareness that inner and outer circumstances could change in a moment can inform our lives in a profound way. Rather than living with vigilance and fear an on-going understanding of the fragility in life can lead us to more wakefulness, appreciation and freedom.
2015-01-29 "The Payoff in Suffering" 57:08
James Baraz
2015-02-05 "Meeting our dukkha with mind and heart - How the Brahma Viharas give our awareness the strength and openness to stay with the difficult." Brahma Viharas Series Talk 1st out of 4: Metta (Loving Kindness) 52:25
Kate Munding
Series talks: 1. *** Metta (Loving Kindness) 2. Karuna (Compassion 3. Mudita (Joy with others) 4. Upekkha (Equanimity)
2015-02-12 Continuing our exploration of the Brahma Viharas, 2nd in a series of 4: Karuna (Compassion) 57:52
Kate Munding
Series talks: 1. Metta (Loving Kindness) 2. *** Karuna (Compassion 3. Mudita (Joy with others) 4. Upekkha (Equanimity)
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