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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2015-04-30 The Path 56:21
Kate Munding
2015-05-14 Freedom From Worry 63:39
Ajahn Chandako, James Baraz
Introduced by James Baraz. The Ven. Ajahn Chandako, an American born monk ordained in 1990 in the Ajahn Chah Thai Forest tradition joined us for the evening. He is the abbot of Vimutti Monastery in New Zealand. The website is:
2015-05-21 Q & A on Daily Life Dharma Practice 58:46
James Baraz
2015-05-28 Just Like Me 54:07
James Baraz
A discussion based on Thupten Jinpa's book A Fearless Heart with particular focus on the profound practice of understanding our shared humanity.
2015-06-04 Castles Made of Sand 50:09
James Baraz
We get very attached to things as if they were extremely important (e.g. your basketball team winning a championship or a conflict with a friend). However, in the bigger scheme of things all of these seemingly crucial things can be held in the wider, wiser perspective of impermanence. A parable from Buddhist teachings helps illustrate this essence of true equanimity and wisdom.
2015-06-12 "Karma" and the "Present Moment" 54:55
Kate Munding
2015-06-18 "Nice Guys Sometimes Finish First: Barbara Weiss, Steve Kerr and Pope Francis" 54:06
James Baraz
We are inspired by the goodness of others. Even more, their example motivates us to do good ourselves. The term "Elevation Response" is used in psychology to describe this phenomenon. The talk describes three people whose lives are inspirations and whose examples can help us bring out the best in ourselves.
2015-06-25 "Seeing the Big Picture" 53:49
James Baraz
"The key to equanimity is a spaciousness that holds all of our dramas in widest perspective. This talk was inspired by the film Planetary."
2015-07-02 The Nature of Aversion 61:27
Kate Munding
The Nature of Aversion; Why we have it, when it’s helpful, and when it’s not. I’ll focus on the nourishing and healing aspects of turning towards the stuff that agitate, irritate, and even repulse us. We’ll explore how important this is to the awakening of our happiness and greater understanding.
2015-07-09 "Exhaustion From a Neurotic Mind" 65:34
Kate Munding
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