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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2014-03-13 Sutta Series: The Vacchagotta Suttas (MN(#71, #72, #73) 59:44
James Baraz
We continue the Sutta series exploring the Vacchagotta suttas from the Majjhima Nikaya. Vacchagotta asks many questions of the Buddha. In a series of conversations, the Buddha expounds to Vacchagotta on such topics as whether or not he's omniscient, on various speculative views about what happens after death and if nuns and householders can be enlightened.
2014-03-20 Sutta Series: The Simile of the Saw - Majjhima Nikaya #21 58:41
James Baraz
This is a discourse on practicing patience and a kind heart regardless of the circumstances.
2014-03-27 Sutta Series: The Removal of Distracting Thoughts - MN #20 55:41
James Baraz
In this discourse the Buddha gives five different strategies for working with troublesome thoughts and mind-states. A very practical teaching on working with the mind when it gets caught and mindfulness is not strong enough.
2014-04-03 Sutta Series: The Angulimala Sutta - MN #86 53:01
James Baraz
One of the most inspiring teachings on the potential for each of us to change. Angulimala, a violent killer, encounters the Buddha, wakes up from his confusion and becomes a holy man. No matter how deep our unskillful habits are, we can take comfort and inspiration in the capacity of the heart to awaken and face in the right direction.
2014-04-10 "Fresh off the Cushion" from sitting the monthlong March retreat at Spirit Rock where she was doing intensive metta practice. 50:01
Kate Munding
Tonight at the monastery, James Baraz was there with Kate Janke, IMCB co-guiding teacher. She shared her insights about metta with us which was an evening full of heart.
2014-04-17 Sutta Series: Anatta-lakkhana Sutta - The Discourse on the Not-Self Characteristic - SN #22 53:33
James Baraz
This is the second discourse given by the Buddha to his five original ascetic companions after setting the wheel of the Dharma in motion. The Buddha gives his teaching on Anatta (or not-self), and the five become enlightened.
2014-04-24 Anatta: Self, Not Self, No Self 59:23
Kate Munding
2014-05-01 Sutta Series: Instructions to Anathapindika (MN #143) 42:23
James Baraz
In this discourse Sariputta gives a teaching to Anathapindika, the greatest patron of the sangha, on his deathbed regarding not clinging to the body or mind as a doorway to liberation.
2014-05-15 Discussing some of the provocative articles from the current issue of the Inquiring Mind on "War and Peace" and the Dharma 46:39
James Baraz
I encourage you to read this edition of the Inquiring Mind, especially articles by Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ann Wright, (a peace activist who spent many years in military and State Dept.) and many other thought-provoking pieces including the merits of bringing mindfulness to the military.
2014-05-22 Discussing some of the provocative articles from the current Inquiring Mind issue on "War and Peace" with co-editors Barbara Gates and Alan Senauke who will join us to deepen the conversation. 60:49
James Baraz
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