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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2014-05-29 Devotion in Dharma Practice 52:41
James Baraz
Although devotion plays a significant role in Monastic Communities and Tibetan practices it's not something that's often discussed in lay communities. Yet devotion can be a major source of inspiration which can fuel our practice.
2014-06-05 Devotion in Dharma Practice, Part 2 48:14
James Baraz
Although devotion plays a significant role in Monastic Communities and Tibetan practices it's not something that's often discussed in lay communities. Yet devotion can be a major source of inspiration which can fuel our practice.
2014-06-12 The practice of generosity and the difference between Dana and Caga 48:06
Kate Munding
Dana is the very practical act of giving. Caga literally means giving up, abandonment, and it is an indication that the grip one has on one's possessions is loosened by Caga.
2014-06-19 "Finding What Your Looking For" 51:58
James Baraz
Our preconceptions and assumptions have a significant effect on how we perceive reality--what gets taken in and what gets filtered out. A rich area of practice is being aware of this so that we truly see clearly to the best of our ability. As we bring more awareness to our filters, we can also see others' Buddha nature inside them, and help it come out, even if they can't see it themselves.
2014-07-03 Just the Hindrances 65:34
Kate Munding
2014-07-10 The Art and Power of Listening: to Ourselves, to Each Other, to the Dhamma and to the Earth 58:09
Ayya Santussika
2014-07-17 A Music Evening With Rev. Heng Sure 59:05
Rev. Heng Sure
With Chants, Devotion & Praise
2014-07-24 Seeing Everyone as Your Benefactor 48:48
James Baraz
We learn from everyone who comes into our life--those that inspire and those who are challenging. If our intention is to wake up, then everyone can be seen as part of our process. This profoundly changes our relationship to all. Even the difficult ones are no longer the enemy.
2014-07-31 Feeling Comfort in "Don't Know" 54:24
Kate Munding
2014-08-14 What Will You Do With Your Wild And Precious Good Karma? 53:39
James Baraz
The fact that we're given a human birth is exceedingly rare in itself. But to hear the Dharma, and be motivated as well as have the opportunity to practice is extraordinary good karma. Reflecting on this brings gratitude and provides a strong incentive to practice for the benefit of all beings.
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