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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

IMCB Regular Talks

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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2009-09-03 Choose Freedom 59:49
Catherine Ingram
2009-09-17 Talk and Song of the Importance of Self Love 55:33
Eve Decker
Eve Decker: Talk and Song of the Importance of Self Love
2009-10-01 Cleaning Our Slate 52:12
James Baraz
Forgiveness and reflections on Yom Kippur
2009-10-15 Heaven or Hell: The Choice is yours. 52:15
James Baraz
The desire for Heaven or for Hell: The Choice is yours.
2009-10-22 Practices in daily life 63:22
Yvonne Rand
2009-11-05 Patience 60:22
Arinna Weisman
2009-11-19 The Body: The Storehouse of Experience 55:10
James Baraz
The body is where we store emotions and register deep insights. This talk explores the implication of those facts: how we keep getting caught in thoughts that we know don’t serve us and why it takes time and patience to embody the wisdom our mind knows is true
2009-12-03 Undoing Mental Knots 45:00
Anam Thubten
"Undoing Mental Knots" or "Getting Rid of Concepts"
2009-12-10 Shower the People with Love 46:04
James Baraz
This is a talk about establishing healing and reconciliation on both a personal and a community level. The Buddha taught was "As long as followers of the Way hold regular and frequent assemblies, they may be expected to prosper and not decline. As long as they meet in harmony, carry on their business in harmony, and break up in harmony, they may be expected to prosper and not decline."
2009-12-17 Willing to become vulnerable; willing to become part of the family of life 54:55
Arinna Weisman
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