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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
The Power of Generosity
2013-01-17 The Power of Generosity 56:47
James Baraz
James is joined by Phil Catalfo, who runs the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, for a rich discussion about the power of generosity. Giving not only benefits the recipient but the giver as well. While BNFP alleviates the suffering of those who are “food insecure;” it also alleviates the suffering of the donors by providing them a means to process their feelings, thoughts, and memories about food, hunger, abundance, guilt, and so on. Participants report a vastly expanded sense of themselves and become profoundly grateful for the opportunity to experience that. They see that “everybody wins” is an actual option in this world.
BNFP Website

Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

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